Category E (Bronze)
Giving your data or publication a DOI:
- means that usage of your data/publication can be followed as others use and cite it.
- makes the data/publication uniquely identifiable.
means you will always be identified as the creator of the cited data/publication. - means your data/publication can always be located with a simple web search.
Publishers normally assign DOIs to the items they publish, and are currently most employed in journal articles, but in most cases, they don’t. Our repository can supply DOIs for any publication that had no DOI
Therefore, for scholars that desire to have more citations and increase their Indexing on Google Scholar, Scopus etc, acquiring DOI for publication is the way to go. Scholars can acquire DOI for:
– Journal Articles
– Book Chapters
– Conference Papers
– Conference Proceedings
– Thesis/Dissertations
– Technical Reports
– Books,
– Model
– Pre-print
– Software
– Any other published materials
Even if the publications were digitized or published in technologies that were not digital, a DOI can be purchased for it.
The Cost per DOI for Individuals is $1