Digital Archiving

Archiving is the process by which inactive information, in any format, is securely stored for long periods of time.

In our service to Journals, we reactivate inactive volumes that were either stored in a hard drive or hard copies and make them readily accessible and downloadable through the peer-review system created at short notice.

Archived data can be stored in a number of different formats, on a variety of devices. Our typical storage formats are PDF and EPUB.

When businesses archive data they tend to archive entire collections of files. The word archive in itself suggests the retention of multiple records.

Why is Archiving Important to a Journal?

  • Archiving is vitally important for information management and can give Journals greater control over their publications.
  • Journals publish periodically articles that needs to be meticulously managed and monitored in order for it be utilised properly. Keeping tabs on this data can prove problematic for Journals that never put an archiving system in place.
  • Volumes and Issues that are not archived is harder to locate, secure and appropriately disseminate if stored in a local environment – such as laptop, flash drive or server – and thus will be inaccessible to other users. This will eventually have a negative effect on the Journal’s functions.

Above all, Archiving will prevent Data Loss, prevent Legal Challenges with authors and other players and Increase security.

Below are Journals we have served in our Archiving Project:

Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR)

Journal of The Linguistics Association of Nigeria

Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research

Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy

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