Demand for Money in a debt constraint Economy

Essien, E.A., E.A.Onwioduokit and E.T.Osho (1996), “Demand for Money in a debt constraint Economy: A case study of Nigeria,” CBN Economic and Financial Review. Vol. 34 No. 2 pp. 573-599 Download

Export Processing Zone Programmes

Hogan, E.B. and E.A. Onwioduokit (1996), “Export Processing Zone Programmes; Lessons for Nigeria from other countries,” CBN Economic and Financial Review. Vol. 34 No. 3 pp 45-65. Download

Issues in Agricultural Input Policies

Akanji, O.O., E.A. Essien, E.N. Egbuna and E.A.Onwioduokit, (1999), “Issues in Agricultural Input Policies: A Case Study of Fertilizer Subsidy and Pricing,” Published by the Central Bank of Nigeria Download

Nigeria‟s Economic Growth and Foreign Debt

Essien, E. A. and E. A. Onwioduokit (1998), “Nigeria‟s Economic Growth and Foreign Debt: An Analytical Re-examination‟, Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 36 (1), Central Bank of Nigeria. Download

Politics as an Instrument of Development in Nigeria

Akpan, D. A. and E. Aloysius, “Politics as an Instrument of Development in Nigeria” in Otoabasi E. Akpan Umana; Francis Oborgu and Rotgak I. Gofwen (eds). Politics and Grassroots Administration in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. Uyo: Diamondville Digital and Publishing, 2006, pp. 1-5……… 200-217. Download

Colonial Economy and Forced Labour in Africa

Akpan, D. A. “Colonial Economy and Forced Labour in Africa: The West African Experiences 1900-1960”. Polac Historical Review January – June, 2015 pp. 87-100…………pg. 423-438. Download